Website Design Portfolio | Vortex Digital,Inc | Award-Winning-Web Design | Iowa City-Cedar Rapids

Web Design Portfolio

Award Winning Web Design

Vortex Digital has created elegant, visually-stunning, award winning websites for 26 years.

Our custom designed websites are always evolving to reflect the latest advances in technology, security and best practices.

Head quartered in The Iowa City – Cedar Rapids area, Vortex Digital serves discerning client brands in the US and Canada.

Call for a free consultation 319.621.0191!

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The Challenge: Master Compliance’s previous website was built in an old WordPress theme that hadn’t been updated in years, resulting in a broken UI, and staff being unable to make any edits. The site’s SEO was also nonexistent, making it hard to generate search engine traffic.

The Process: Vortex Digital scraped the site’s content, and migrated it into a modern theme that could be easily updated in the future. Extensive keyword research was performed, and each page received keyword-rich metatags and copy.

The Result: A brand new, fully functional WordPress site with a modern theme. Master Compliance staff now manages the site themselves, making edits and changes. The site’s SEO also improved, increasing search engine traffic and overall visits.

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The Challenge: The Local Hub approached Vortex Digital wanting to make a platform for local businesses, based on recommendations from local community leaders. The database of businesses would be curated based on community and expert feedback, and provide those businesses with an additional marketing avenue. The site needed a visually impactful design, and an ergonomic, easy to use layout to make navigating between businesses quick and simple.

The Process: As The Local Hub would be managing the website themselves and adding/editing the businesses, we worked with them to make this process as easy as possible for someone with little to no coding or technical knowledge. The backend is very simple to use and navigate. On the front end, the design deliberately points users towards the main feature, the business search. Users can search by a large amount of categories to see curated businesses, and each business has its own page with reviews, marketing information, contact information, and more.

The Result: A beautiful, custom designed website that provides a robust database of local businesses curated by community experts and business owners. The backend is easy to use and manage, with adding and editing businesses as simple as filling out a form. The frontend is easy to search through and navigate, helping users get to where they’re going as fast as possible.

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The Challenge: ThinkJOY was a brand new, nonprofit focused on helping elders in the community. They had no marketing or website, and needed both to get started. They also had a large amount of copy that needed to be condensed down.

The Process: Our art director worked with ThinkJOY to create a logo, design, and branding guide that matched their vision and feelings. Vortex Digital took all of the provided copy, and organized it into different pages to make it more digestible and less overwhelming. The logo, design and branding was also repurposed for social media and email marketing.

The Result: The project as a whole was taken on as part of our SEVA Project, where we give away several thousand dollars to a deserving nonprofit. The new website is custom designed and visually impactful, instilling a sense of hope in the community. Each page succinctly describes what they do, and how users can get involved themselves.

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The Challenge: Barbara Mishkin, the author of the children’s book, TIP’s Magical Journey, approached Vortex Digital needing a website to promote it. The sales would take place on Amazon, but she wanted a website to host her marketing and press material.

The Process: Vortex Digital met with Barbara to determine what was most important to put on the website: reviews, a contact form, ways to buy the book in bulk, and information about her. It was also important that as more books released, they could be added to the website easily and seamlessly.

The Result: A custom designed marketing platform for Barbara and her books. The newley released book, TIP’s Magical Journey, had already received reviews, and were populated on the website, long with other information related to the book. As new books are released, they can easily be added.

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The Challenge
The old Phelan Tucker Law website was difficult to navigate, and used a clunky, confusing wireframe that didn’t accurately convey all of the services offered. It was easy for users to get lost looking for areas of practice, and the copy was overwhelming with bland imagery not helping matters.

The Process
Vortex Digital worked with Phelan Tucker Law to identify which areas of practice were redundant, and which were necessary to keep. Jonathan also took professional photos of the staff and office to help the website design stand out even more.

The Result
The new Phelan Tucker Law website contains an updated wireframe, and succinct copy that accurately describes the experience and capabilities of the office. Visually striking photography shows off the impressive office, and professional headshots deliver a feeling of credibility and authenticity.

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The Challenge
Prime Land Auction was a brand-new business that needed a well-designed, user-friendly website to showcase its real estate listings and land options. 

The Process
Vortex Digital had to design a website from scratch that included all the necessary features for each listing and auction. Both options needed custom fields and post types. 

The Result 
An aesthetically designed website that displays all available listings and auctions with easily updatable fields for each option. 

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The Challenge:
The design of the old Wild Flower Healing Arts website needed to be updated, as it wasn’t utilizing the full pallet of digital real estate that modern sites offer. New features were necessary to provide a better user experience, such as a more streamlined way to buy personalized gift certificates.
The Process:
Team Vortex revamped the old site with new, modern design elements and new images. Our development team implemented, tested, and debugged the new features.
The Result:
Wild Flower Healing Arts now has a full-width, modern design for its website with improved features such as personalized gift certificates.

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The Challenge 
Night Train Party Bus had an existing site that was outdated and just plain boring, which does not fit the brand image of a fun party bus service. There were minimal to no design elements, and there wasn’t a feature for custom request forms.

The Process 
Vortex Digital upgraded the website to the latest version of WordPress. We redesigned the website layout and included images that better represent the brand. We developed a ‘request a quote’ custom form for each bus/package available that automates sending an email and putting information into a form

The Result 
An updated modern website with visual design elements that better match the brand added more images to the gallery and includes YouTube video, custom request a quote page with add-ons

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The Challenge:
Shoemaker and Haaland needed a complete website redesign that shifted the focus of the site from highlighting past projects to promoting company culture, the greater Iowa City area, career opportunities, and benefits. 

The Process:
We discussed their vision for attracting talented engineers to their team, the services and projects they wanted to feature, and the visual elements they wanted to include in the update. 

The Result:
Team Vortex reworked the website’s UX and design, adding strong visuals and content to attract talented engineers. A link to the careers page is featured in the header of the landing page, along with other calls to action throughout the site to funnel prospective employees to career opportunities. To modernize their website, we added a dynamic Facebook feed, custom text and images to showcase their projects, and easily updated custom fields to organize their photo gallery.

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The Challenge: Aqua-Struction Pools contacted us because their previous website had been taken down without their knowledge. They no longer had any web presence, and needed to get one up fast. They also wanted a more fleshed out website in the future that showcased their services, pool designs, photo galleries, and more.

The Process: First, we met with Aqua-Struction to determine what needed to be on the new landing page immediately. We put together a photo gallery, summary of their services, and contact information into a sleek landing page, and launched it within one week of meeting with them. We had also saved their emails and migrated them to a new service. Once the landing page was done, we met with them to scope out what services they wanted to expand on, how many pool designs they wanted to include, and other information to put on the website.

The Result: A beautiful custom designed website that received a Graphic Design USA Award. The website presents Aqua-Struction’s services, pool designs, photo galleries, and business information in a visually impactful layout. The backend of the website can also easily be edited to add on in the future.

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The Challenge
Local Honey Trove is a small store that sells locally sourced honey, bee products, and other goods, with a focus on sustainability and small community comradery. However, they had no web presence or a way to drive people to the store.

The Process 
Vortex Digital worked with Local Honey Trove to create a design that matches their environmentally friendly, community-oriented views. The website was centered on their story, and how their mission is to help their community have access to organically, sustainably produced honey and bee products.

The Result
Local Honey Trove ended with a beautiful, custom designed website that covers their story, the goods they offer at their store, and highlights other local beekeepers and members of the community to help promote sustainability and fellowship.

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The Challenge:
Landon’s previous website did not accurately capture his brand, and it wasn’t up to his liking. He came to Vortex Digital looking for a new website that represents him and his work.

The Process:
Team Vortex worked closely with Landon to understand exactly what he wanted to feature and how he wanted to present his work. Our team included a lot of imagery for each of his offered services. We also incorporated numerous CTA’s through email contact forms and free quote requests.

The Result:
A visually oriented website to showcase Landon’s services with numerous contact features. Landon’s Sitework website now represents his brand well and is an accurate reflection of him and his work.

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The Challenge:
Iowa Women’s Wrestling Club needed a custom-designed website that had an easy site setup and documentation so the client could update the content when needed. There also needed to be a donation form on the site that connects to the client’s Stripe account.

The Process:
Team Vortex worked closely with the client to implement all the design features they wanted into the website.

The Result:
A new, fast website with a custom design that the client is satisfied with. The client can easily add/remove content whenever they choose. Lastly, there is a donation function that connects directly to the client’s Stripe account.

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The Challenge:
The existing web coding was outdated and had extensive plug-ins. The web development needed to be reworked and optimized for future improvements. This had to be accomplished on a time constraint before the yearly web conference. There also needed to be a way to register for the conference and a paid membership option.

The Process:
Vortex Digital created a new WordPress installation with a membership plugin at its core. We transferred the existing content to the new site and worked through the design elements as efficiently as possible.

The Result:
A membership-based WordPress website that features a yearly-renewal mechanism, a mailing list, and showcases upcoming events. The site was finished quickly so registration for the conference could take place.

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The Challenge: Kendra Schaa approached Vortex Digital about a new business venture idea: offering women and men counseling after loss of pregnancy. She had an idea of what she wanted her branding to be, but was having trouble visualizing it.

The Process: Our art director worked with Kendra on every aspect of her branding, including her logo, marketing materials, color palette, website design, and more. Every aspect of the new website and marketing was meticulously constructed to be in harmony with her vision.

The Result: A beautiful, custom designed website that puts Kendra’s brand front and center, while succinctly presenting her services. The design and color palette immediately instill a sense of calmness and understanding, which is necessary in this line of work. The calls to action are prominent, but not pushy, and full of understanding and emotion.

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The Challenge: Homewerx presented an interesting business prospect to Vortex Digital: they sell work-from-home office kits to corporate businesses interested in moving their workforce home, which was very popular during the height of the pandemic. They needed a new website to send HR representatives of potential clients to, and came to us for a design.

The Process: Vortex Digital worked with Homewerx to determine what set their product apart from others in the market, and why corporations would want to purchase it. During several hours of meetings, we were able to boil it down to a succinct website that tells what Homewerx does, and how corporations can benefit.

The Result: A sleek, ergonomic website that drives users through the marketing funnel quickly and easily. Immediately, users are presented with what Homewerx does, and how it can benefit their company (ie save them money).

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The Challenge:
Aizenman Law Group needed a new website built from scratch as their existing site was not designed in WordPress.

The Process:
Vortex Digital merged all copies, files, and assets into a new installation of WordPress. Once the site was rebuilt, we updated the design, functionality, and ergonomics to improve User eXperience. Lastly, we added a live chat and a leads funnel that the client can access.

The Result:
A lead-generating, aesthetically designed website on the modern WordPress platform, that allows the client to easily update content and maintain their existing workflow with potential clients.

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The Challenge:
The Machine Stops Opera was showcased at the Coralville Performing Arts Center and needed a site quickly to present the information for the upcoming shows. In addition, they needed a venue to sell tickets and ask for donations.

The Process:
Team Vortex quickly and efficiently designed a beautiful WordPress website with all the necessary content and features the client requested.

The Result:
A strong graphical, functional website that showcases all pertinent information where customers can buy tickets and donate through the site. Our team accomplished this while meeting the Opera’s tight deadline.

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The Challenge: Oak Park Estates came to Vortex Digital in need of a website redesign. Their previous website was dated, and difficult to edit and maintain. It was also more clerical than desired, and they wanted to shift to more emotion-focused branding and marketing.

The Process: Vortex Digital worked with Oak Park Estates to boil down their vision into a short mission statement: At Oak Park Estates, we treat each of our residents at family, not just a number. To help with this, we went on site and had a photography shoot with their staff, residents, and facility to use for the website. With a softer design, more intentional copy, and personal imagery, the site was leaning more towards an emotional spin in its branding and marketing.

The Result: A beautiful website with original photography that showcases the staff, residents, and facility. The new website presents all that the new facility has to offer, and informs prospective residents and their families what sets them apart from other homes. The design and photography was also used in their social media and email marketing campaigns, which Vortex Digital also manages.

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The Challenge: Lionheart Early Learning’s previous website was made in Drupal, making it difficult for their staff to edit. The branding and design also was too juvenile for what they were looking for, and wanted a major overhaul with more focus on the faculty and their programs.

The Process: Vortex Digital worked with Lionheart Early Learning to materialize their vision of what they wanted their website to look like into an actionable design. We met with them to determine what they’re most important programs were, and split them based on age group to create an ergonomic wireframe for the website.

The Result: A beautiful, custom designed website made in WordPress that can easily be edited and updated by Lionheart staff. The new design was more professional, with more emphasis on the different programs and their age groups, as well as their faculty.

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The Challenge: Dr. Ben Reinking wanted to start a coaching business for premed, medical students, trainees and physicians. Although he wanted to equally serve each demographic, they required different marketing tactics and language, so it was difficult to house them all on one website. He also had no branding or logos.

The Process: Vortex Digital worked with Dr. Reinking to nail down his target demographics and how best to market to them, then created a wireframe for the website based on that. Each demographic would have its own section and marketing funnel. Molly, our art director, also went through several iterations of the logo until he was completely satisfied.

The Result: A beautiful, custom designed website that efficiently funnels each target demographic to where they need to go, where they can be more directly marketed to with targeted language and imagery. The logo and branding material was repurposed for social media and email marketing as well.

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SEVA Project Contribution

The Challenge:
Community Inclusion Club (CIC) did not have a web presence to showcase its events or provide information for potential new members. They also needed a way to collect donations online.

The Process:
Vortex Digital developed a WordPress website from scratch by designing the content in a simple but effective manner.

The Result:
A clean, simple, functioning site that displays all necessary information about the club and ways to donate. The website also included ways to get involved and upcoming events.

Vortex Digital donates the design, development, hosting, and maintenance for a worthy Corridor 501 c3 every year as SEVA (a selfless service project. The CIC was the recipient of the 2022 Vortex SEVA Project.

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The Challenge:
Team Vortex was tasked with moving the existing e-commerce site into a new installation on our own server. We needed to migrate Innovative Aesthetics’ entire product inventory, existing tag structures, client lists, and previous orders without any data loss. The new site had to look/function the same, plus improve the site speed and product syncing issues.

The Process:
We exported the entire existing product database and platform structures to a new WordPress installation with a new WooCommerce installation as well. We reconnected a new Square payment gateway that fixed the syncing issues.

The Result:
A fast, reliable, and scalable e-commerce site that integrates with the client’s workflow much more efficiently.

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The Challenge: Hausers Water had a website, but it was built in an aging content management system, and was difficult to update. They also wanted to showcase their project portfolio, but didn’t have an avenue to do so.

The Process: Vortex Digital worked with Hausers Water to create a custom design, and decided which service areas they wanted to focus on. We decided instead of individual services, we would focus on the industries they served. We also organized their projects, and gave them accompanying images and descriptions.

The Result: A custom designed website that organizes Hausers Water’s services based on what industry they serve, and presents their project in an interactive portfolio that is easy to update.

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The Challenge: Ketelsen Lawn was a new landscaping and yard work business founded from an existing business. They wanted to rebrand and create their own website distinct from the previous.

The Process: Vortex Digital worked with Ketelsen Lawn to create a new logo and website design based on the new ownership. We also determined what services we wanted to focus on and market.

The Result: A brand new, custom designed website using the new logo and design assets. In addition to the website, we also ran Google Ads campaigns to drive traffic to the new website.

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The Challenge: Think Iowa City wanted to create a hub of local businesses for Iowa City visitors. Whether you’re looking for somewhere to eat, something to do, or somewhere to stay, they wanted to be the one-stop website for tourism, with a directory of local businesses that contained their location, description, images, hours, and more.

The Process: Vortex Digital worked with the Google Business API to dynamically pull local business information, feed it into the website, and display it in an easy-to-use, ergonomic layout. Think Iowa City also wanted to curate social media posts with specific hashtags.

The Result: A custom-designed, database-driven website that allows users to search for local businesses based on various categories. The business database is automatically synced and refreshed based on the Google Business database, with no input required from Think Iowa City staff. The social media feed pulls all social media posts including a given set of keywords or hashtags, posts them unpublished in the backend, and allows Think Iowa City staff to view and publish them after carefully curating them.

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The Challenge: Switch Homes was a new business that wanted to bring sustainable homes to Dubuque, Davenport, and more cities in Iowa and beyond. They also wanted to simplify the process of purchasing a home by having it all online; users would be able to pick their finishes, amenities, and other features on the website, pay a deposit, and work from there.

The Process: Vortex Digital worked with Switch Homes to hone their message of what they were really selling: sustainable, affordable homes with an innovative checkout process. We worked with their marketing team and their building and architectural teams to craft the checkout process exactly how they desired. Based on the different home designs, we created custom design materials for the website, social media, and email marketing.

The Result: A brand new, custom-designed website that shows off Switch Homes’ different home models and provides a state-of-the-art checkout process that allows users to pick every aspect of their home. In addition, we ran a coordinated social media and email marketing campaign to increase brand awareness and build a mailing list.

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The Challenge: Think Iowa City needed an easy to use and manage eCommerce site to sell its shirts, hats, and other merchandise. It had to be easy to use on both the front and backend; users should be able to find the products they’re looking for easily, and staff should be able to add products to the backend quickly.

The Process: Vortex worked with Think Iowa City to determine the bare necessities needed for the website. The goal was to keep it as simple as possible, both for users buying products and staff managing inventory.

The Result: The Shop Think Iowa City website is simple and easy to use. All of the products are located on the home page and can easily be accessed.

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The Challenge: Candida was in need of a new website to showcase her beautiful art, and act as an educational and sales tool for her counseling and therapy business. Prior to, she had her information on an outdated website, and needed something she could brand as her own.

The Process: Vortex worked with Candida to determine what sets her apart from others in her field, and identify which services she wanted to focus on the most. The website was kept as simple as possible, with only two pages.

The Result: Vortex produced a slick, compact, streamlined website for Candida that efficiently presents her services and art portfolio to potential clients. The services and contact form are located right on the home page, making the layout and user experience as simple as possible.

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The Challenge: Bench Solution’s original website was built in the early 2010’s, and its design and functionality reflected that. It was easy for users to get lost in its pages, and the design was in a frame, wasting precious screen space.

The Process: Vortex Digital created a new sitemap; removing unneeded pages, and combining content where necessary. A new, full-width design was created, and the navigation was reworked to be more ergonomic.

The Result: The new Bench Solution website serves as an effective marketing funnel, presenting their most important products front and center. Users can easily get to the page they want to in as few clicks as possible.

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The Challenge: Like its sister sites, Apartments Near Campus and Apartments at Iowa, the original Apartments Downtown website was extremely dated, hard to navigate, and difficult for Apartments Downtown staff to make changes to. The database was also obsolete, and required extensive upkeep.

The Process: To save on time and money, Vortex Digital duplicated the Apartments Downtown WordPress installation, and slightly tweaked the design and branding to match Apartments Downtown. While it uses a completely different database to manage its properties, it utilizes the same functionality as its sister sites to manage them, making it as easy as possible for staff to maintain the site themselves.

The Result: The new Apartments Downtown website was built in much less time and for much less money than its sister sites, due to the functionality already being coded in, and only needing the design and branding tweaked. The new backend allows staff to easily manage every aspect of the website, and the updated navigation makes it much easier for tenants and potential tenants to find the information they’re looking for.

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The Challenge: The original Family Crisis Center website was functional, but had a confusing page structure, unintuitive design, and it did not reflect their new brand guidelines. Navigating the site was difficult, as it was easy to get lost.

The Process: Vortex Digital worked with The Family Crisis Center to determine what the most important information for users would be, and crafted the site structure and design to highlight this. It was imperative that users could find what they were looking for with as few clicks as possible. A custom design was created for the website to better reflect The Family Crisis Center’s new branding guidelines. New SEO was written for each page to achieve a higher organic ranking for keywords such as “domestic abuse shelter”, “women’s shelter”, and more.

The Result: Vortex Digital donated a large amount of time and created a beautiful, ergonomic, informative website for The Family Crisis Center. The navigation clearly states each section of the website, and there is an Escape button for domestic abuse victims to quickly leave the site if needed. The site is built in WordPress, and allows Family Crisis Center staff to easily make edits to the website themselves.

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The Challenge: The original Apartments Near Campus website was an extremely dated HTML website, with obsolete design and an unintuitive user experience. The database of properties was functional, but difficult to navigate, and hard for staff to manage in the backend.

The Process: Vortex Digital worked with Apartments Near Campus to determine the most important details about each property, and constructed a database that displayed this information. The database would be searchable by keyword, availability, bedrooms, bathrooms, amenities, and more. Apartments Near Campus also desired an interactive map that showed their properties relative to local businesses, schools and landmarks. The new website was built in WordPress, allowing staff to easily make changes to properties and website themselves.

The Result: The new Apartments Near Campus website displays all properties and tenant services in an ergonomic, interactive layout that users can easily explore through a variety of different methods; from amenities and location to rent and property type. Apartments Near Campus staff can easily edit and add new properties themselves through the WordPress backend interface, and the new design streamlined the browsing process for users.

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The Challenge: Heritage Kitchens has made high quality, custom-made hardwood cabinets for years, however, had no web presence. Business was found through reference and word of mouth, but Heritage Kitchens needed a website to increase lead generation and revenue.

The Process: Vortex Digital worked with Heritage Kitchens to understand their brand and rich history, and converted that into a beautiful, custom design. Each of Heritage Kitchens’ services has its own page with additional information, and a portfolio of past work. Each page was coded with SEO best practices in mind, with appropriate meta data and tags. The website was also built in WordPress, allowing for easy future expansion.

The Result: The new Heritage Kitchens website is completely responsive, adheres to modern best practices, and provides an effective marketing funnel to compliment their other channels. Strategically placed positioning statements and calls to action drive users to the ultimate goal: getting in contact with Heritage to plan their dream kitchen.

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The Challenge: Vortex Digital created the original Revival Theatre Company website back in 2015 to help showcase its upcoming performances, feature show sponsors, and inform users about upcoming auditions. In 2021, the design was becoming dated, and was in need of a facelift.

The Process: All of the content from the original website was migrated to a brand new WordPress installation, and a new theme was created. New imagery from Revival’s venue and shows were added to the design to make each page as eye-catching as possible. The backend was reprogrammed to allow Revival staff to easily add upcoming shows and change all aspects of the website themselves. A donation portal was also added, moving the functionality from an expensive third party platform to an internal form.

The Result: The new Revival Theatre Company website features a brand new, beautiful design that showcases impactful, eye-catching imagery of its shows and cast. The new backend functionality makes it as easy as possible for Revival staff to make edits themselves, and the new theme serves as a solid foundation for future expansion.

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The Challenge: LaMere Family Travel’s original website featured an outdated design, was difficult to make changes to, and was not up to SEO best practices. The layout was also confusing, and users had a hard time finding upcoming bus tours and other events.

The Process: Vortex Digital started by migrating the original website’s content into a new WordPress installation. Instead of the dated tour package functionality of the original site, the new website was programmed with an eCommerce platform, allowing LaMere Family Travel staff to easily add and edit packages themselves, and giving users the ability to directly purchase these packages from the website. LaMere Family Travel also wanted to increase emphasis on its wedding planning services, resulting in a dedicated page for each service instead of one vague page briefly detailing everything.

The Result: The new LaMere Family Travel website serves as an effective online business portal for selling its tour packages and wedding planning services. Each page adheres to SEO best practices, and is built to rank organically for its targeted keywords.

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The Challenge: Dr. Sohit approached Vortex Digital about creating a website and marketing campaign for the University of Iowa’s upcoming Endoscopic and Open Airway Virtual Surgical Course. The website needed to feature the speakers and topics, and drive users to register through the University’s online platform. An email marketing campaign was also needed to target doctors and encourage them to attend.

The Process: Vortex Digital worked with Dr. Sohit to determine what the most important information related to the course would be, and its priority on the website. A single landing page format was chosen to keep the message focused and create the most efficient marketing funnel possible. Email templates encouraging users to register for the course were designed and coded, mirroring the website but adhering to email marketing best practices. On both the website and email templates, strategically placed calls to action were placed to drive users to register for the course.

The Result: The new website serves as an effective marketing funnel, driving users to register for the online course. The accompanying email campaign performed beyond expectations, with an above average opening and click rate. Since the conclusion of the course, the website and email campaign has been archived, and can be relaunched quickly in time for the next course.

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The Challenge: The original Koch Landscaping website was built in a basic template, lacked SEO, and was difficult to make edits to. Koch Landscaping contacted Vortex Digital to help transform their website into a modern, lead generation machine.

The Process: Vortex Digital migrated the original website content into the WordPress content management system, and built a custom-designed theme to showcase Koch Landscaping’s beautiful imagery. A page was built for each service in order to capitalize on all relevant keywords for SEO, and strategically placed positioning statements and calls to action drive users to get in contact with Koch Landscaping through phone or contact form.

The Result: The new Koch Landscaping website serves as an effective marketing funnel, guiding users through each of their services, and driving them to get in contact through phone or email. Each page adheres to modern SEO best practices with appropriate meta data and tags, and is optimized to organically rank as well as possible. Upon launch, Vortex Digital also crafted a Google Ads campaign to further increase traffic, leads and conversions for their retaining wall business.

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The Challenge: Coach Beth’s website was in need of an overhaul for both SEO, design, and functionality. Originally built in GoDaddy’s website builder, it lacked extensive functionality, featured a bland design, was difficult to make edits to, and was limited in its SEO capabilities. There was also an overabundance of text and information that resulted in a high bounce rate.

The Process: Vortex Digital worked with Coach Beth to distill her brand and mission into a beautiful, custom-designed template. An extensive amount of work went into the look and feel of the website to ensure it encapsulated Coach Beth’s brand and message. The original content was moved from GoDaddy into WordPress, and then pruned and condensed down into only the essential information.

The Result: The new Coach Beth website is a beautiful, ergonomic marketing funnel that is simply a joy to navigate through. Each of her services has its own page, and adheres to modern SEO best practices. All information on the website is essential and succinct, informing users without overwhelming them. WordPress also allows Coach Beth to easily make changes to the website herself and add new blog posts.

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The Challenge: Dr. Geeta Lal and Surgical Ergonomics needed a website to kickstart their speaking and coaching business. As a relatively new idea in the medical field, the new website needed to educate its users and also provide a means of getting in contact with Dr. Geeta Lal to schedule workshops and lectures. SEO was also a must, to help attract interested clients through organic search results.

The Process: Vortex Digital worked with Dr. Geeta Lal to find the perfect balance between educating users, and pushing them through the marketing funnel of the website. The mix of clinical and emotional language was needed to appeal to users in the medical field, and also provide a personal, approachable brand. These ideas were condensed and converted into a beautiful, responsive, custom-designed website.

The Result: The new Surgical Ergonomics website educates users about its services, and provides an effective platform for generating leads and converting potential clients into paying clients through strategically placed positioning statements, and relevant clinical information.

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The Challenge: The original Heartlights website was built in Adobe Business Catalyst, a now obsolete content management system. In order to modernize the website, it needed to be migrated to a supported CMS, in this case, WordPress. The design and user experience was also dated, as the website was built more than a decade ago.

The Process: Vortex Digital migrated each page out of Adobe Business Catalyst into WordPress to provide a foundation to work on, then updated the design and user experience to adhere to modern best practices. The contact forms and email database, which were integral to the original website, were also migrated over, and updated with modern functionality. Email marketing was switched to Mailchimp, as Adobe’s built-in platform would no longer be usable in WordPress.

The Result: The new Heartlights website is completely responsive, and up to modern website best practices. WordPress allows it to stay up to date for years to come, and gives Heartlights staff the ability to easily make edits to the website themselves.

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The Challenge: The original website was bulky for both frontend and backend users. It was difficult for potential attendees to find the information they were looking for, and for staff to update the backend with new information. There were no clear calls to action, resulting in a high bounce rate and lack of conversions.

The Process:Vortex Digital worked with the FryFest team to determine what the most important parts of their website should be: informing users about new events and news updates, and allowing users to purchase tickets for these events as easily as possible.

The Result:Vortex Digital created a brand new, WordPress-powered website that gives the FryFest staff complete control over the website. They are able to publish blog posts and events themselves easily, and the frontend displays this information in a new, ergonomic layout, complete with strategically placed calls to action to convert users to attendees or sign them up for the email newsletter.

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The Challenge: Innovative Aesthetics old website featured a complicated product database, which needed to be imported on a daily basis. The database was prone to errors, such as products disappearing, limited format freedom in product descriptions, and more. A streamlined product management process was needed.

The Process: Vortex Digital worked with Innovative Aesthetics and their previous developer to determine where the problems stemmed from, and helped troubleshoot and migrate the database into a model that did not need to be imported on a daily basis.

The Result: Innovative Aesthetics new product database is now stable, and allows staff to easily edit the backend of the store without the need to complete an entire database import. Staff also has more control over which products appear and where, such as sales and special events.

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The Challenge: The original Allen Blasting and Coating website was built in raw HTML, which lacked additional functionality and proved difficult for staff to easily make changes to the content themselves.

The Process: Vortex Digital took the raw HTML code, and created a brand new WordPress installation. Using the code, Vortex Digital then built the website from the ground up in WordPress.

The Result: The new Allen Blasting and Coating website retains the look of the HTML site, but features all of the additional functionality of a WordPress site. Staff can now easily make changes to the text and Projects pages themselves.

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The Challenge: Common Ground Committee wanted to put together an interactive database that contains all of the state and national congressman and representatives. Users would look for each individual politician, and see a score assigned to them that displayed how willing they were to look for common ground with other politicians. The website needed a robust database structure that allowed for unlimited entries, and would be easily editable by staff.

The Process: Vortex Digital worked with Common Ground to determine which fields each politician would need, what information would need to be displayed, and how they would want users to find them. Users can search by state or keyword, and also through an interactive map where they can select their state and see all politicians there. Functionality to compare different politicians based on their scores was also necessary.

The Result: The new Common Ground website launched with an intricate, yet easily accessible database that users could explore and interact with. All politicians are ergonomically displayed with their respected information, and different search methods allow users to easily find who they are looking for. The compare functionality also allows users to select several politicians and view their scores side by side. The website was featured on several national news outlets, and Vortex Digital is extremely proud of the result.

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The Challenge: The original Apartments at Iowa website was an extremely dated HTML website, with little design and a confusing user experience. The database of properties was functional, but there was no easy way to explore what was available and view information about it.

The Process: Vortex Digital worked with Apartments at Iowa to determine the most important details users would want about each property, and constructed a database that displayed this information. The database would be searchable by keyword, availability, bedrooms, bathrooms, amenities, and more. Apartments at Iowa also desired an interactive map that showed their properties relative to local businesses, schools and landmarks.

The Result: The new Apartments at Iowa website displays all properties in an ergonomic, interactive layout that users can easily explore through a variety of different methods; from amenities and location to rent and property type. Apartments at Iowa staff can easily edit and add new properties themselves through the WordPress backend interface, and the new design streamlined the process for users. Live chat was also implemented, allowing potential tenants to easily communicate with staff about questions.

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The Challenge: Stutsman features an  extensive used parts and machinery database, but relied on an archaic, confusing third party website to store and manage it. The previous iteration of the Stutsman website simply linked to this website, but the ultimate desire was to manage this database on the website itself, including editing and adding products, and allowing users to make purchases.

The Challenge: The product database needed to be converted and optimized so that it could easily be imported into the current WordPress installation. Vortex Digital worked with Stutsman to prepare the database, and created a robust frontend and backend for the products.

The Result: The new Shop Stutsman website features robust eCommerce functionality, allowing users to search for products by keyword, category and more. All purchases can be made on the website itself. Stutsman staff also now have complete control over the product database and how it is displayed. Live chat functionality was also implemented, allowing potential customers to speak with staff about products.

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The Challenge: Dr. Janeta Tansey needed a new website that showcased her individual coaching, speaking and personal brand. She needed a website that reflected her personal view on coaching and therapy, that she could have complete control over. A new design also needed to be created to convey the specific emotions she wanted to instill in her clients.

The Process: Vortex Digital worked with Dr. Tansey to distill her vision into design comp ideas. After several back and forths and brainstorming sessions, our design team established an eyecatching, unique online brand for her new website.

The Result: Dr. Tansey’s brand new, WordPress website accurately conveys her brand and services to potential clients. All of her coaching, teaching, speaking and therapy services can be easily explored, but the real star of the website is the design.

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The Challenge: The new Patrick-Ferree Law website needed to condense the complicated world of business and cyber law into an easily accessible format that users could understand at a glance, and at the same time convey a sense of approachability with their staff.

The Process: Vortex Digital worked with Patrick-Ferree Law to distill down their work into five distinct areas of practice, and write content for them that would be easily understood by clients and others with little law knowledge. The design was tweaked to reflect a high understanding of technology, which is required in business and cyber law.

The Result: The new Patrick-Ferree Law website presents users with all of their areas of practice in an ergonomic, easy to use user experience. The dense information is displayed in easy to understand snippets for better understanding, and credibility is established through attorney bios and background.

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The Challenge: The old Tinworks Fabrication website was a simple Wix site that featured limited eCommerce and other functionality. Tinworks Fabrication desired a more robust website, with the ability to further control how their products and company were presented to clients and potential customers. Additional website tracking was also needed in the form of Google Analytics.

The Process: Vortex Digital worked with Tinworks Fabrication to export the product database and prepare it for import into the new WordPress installation. All of the products on the current website would be present on the new website, but allowing staff to have more control over their appearance and pricing. Vortex Digital’s design team also created a layout that served as an effective marketing funnel, leading users to the products and product categories they were looking for with as few clicks as possible.

The Result: The new Tinworks Fabrication website serves as a simple, effective online eCommerce store. Users can easily search for parts by keyword, year and price to find what they’re looking for. Staff can also easily manage the product database themselves through the backend of the website. Upon launch, Vortex Digital has also ran Facebook and Google advertising campaigns, and assisted in email and print marketing solutions.

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The challenge: Creating a landing page that showcases Virtue Medicine’s clinics and doctors while giving visitors access to classes, fees, and patient information.

The process: Combining Multi-Page WordPress Installation, Custom Responsive Design and Constant Contact Integration with high-quality imagery, Google maps integration and contact forms.

The result: A streamlined, informative space where patients and prospective patients can get to know their clinic, and find detailed information regarding treatments, pricing, scheduling, classes & workshops.

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The challenge: Showcasing Mara’s unique artistic style while utilizing an easy-to-navigate space that will inspire visitors to purchase and share her original artwork.

The process: Combining responsive web design with a customized art gallery, online store, professional contact form, parallax design, and Instagram feed implementation.

The result: A state-of-the-art, mobile-compliant website that incorporates Mara’s artistic style with her story, while providing a place for users to view and purchase her work.

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The challenge: Completely redesign The Dental Center’s website, consolidating URLs to encapsulate both locations. Included in this redesign was new interior photography capturing both locations’ stunning spaces, showcasing their comprehensive approach to dental care.

The process: Vortex worked closely with The Dental Center’s team to streamline content, create a fresh look, and craft a modern design for the various services offered. The content was re-worked to convey a sense of family, approachability, and compassionate care.

The result: A beautiful website that successfully encapsulates The Dental Center’s patient-centric approach and its two modern facilities. Paired with this engaging design and new copy is a visual showcase of these locations from Jonathan David Sabin of Infinity Photographic, who captured all of the portrait and interior photography.

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The challenge: Design a public-facing web portal and app that accurately represents the top of the line coffee, elegant presentation, and service of fix!, a brand new coffee shop in Iowa City’s magnificent Chauncey Building. Vortex sought to brew up a stunning website for fix! that showcases its offerings while also integrating point of sales and inventory tracking.

The process: Vortex worked with fix! owner Monica Moen to showcase the highly customized space with a custom-designed website. Important elements included impeccable attention to detail and unparalleled attention to beauty on the coffee shop’s website.

The result: Located steps away from Film Scene, Iowa City’s independent cinema, Vortex Digital Business Solutions helped perfectly show the elegance and top of the line service offered at fix! Team Vortex created an integrated POS system, website, and online app that allows customers to order directly from the website or newly-released mobile application. Jonathan David Sabin’s 22 years of retail and wholesale experience – and over two decades of e-commerce development – allowed Team Vortex to integrate front-end customer relations and streamless, back-end business processes.

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The Challenge: Gleeson Counseling was in needed of a new website that presented their therapy and counseling services in an approachable, personal way rather than clinical. The old website was dated, and a new design was also needed.

The Process: Vortex Digital worked with Kathleen Gleeson to pick out images that conveyed a more personal feeling to use on the website. The design also incorporated light, calming colors. With the design completed, Vortex Digital worked with Kathleen to further hone the copy on each page to better connect with users on an emotional level.

The Result: The new Gleeson Counseling website features a beautiful design that reflects her brand and her client interaction. The images convey feeling of hope to potential clients, and the text establishes a personal connection that is indicative of how Kathleen interacts with her clients.

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The Challenge: Jeff Topping has created an impressive photography portfolio throughout his career, but needed a website that presented this portfolio in an ergonomic, beautiful layout.

The Process: Vortex Digital worked with Jeff to establish categories for his portfolio that users could filter with. With all of the images and categories determined, Jeff’s portfolio was imported into the WordPress installation. Robust image galleries were created to parse the different categories, and display the images beautifully and responsively.

The Result: The new Jeff Topping Photography website serves as a beautiful portfolio of his work, and allows users to view its many galleries easily. Jeff can also add new images and galleries himself.

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The challenge: Implement strategic brand planning in which Vortex discovered and differentiated Dr. Scott Jones’ target demographics. Showcase the integrated mind-body transformational services of Peak Health and Performance LLC, which consists of movement performance coaching, functional breathing restoration, and other methodologies for executives, dancers, golfers, and professional athletes.

The process: Team Vortex worked with Dr. Jones to clearly segment his website into the varying mind-body restorative services offered. This was achieved using a carousel presentation on the homepage with different enrolling questions on each slide – the different enrolling questions target different demographics, successfully segmenting the service offerings for different groups (the needs of a golfer, for example, are different from a dancer.)

The result: Team Vortex utilized its decades of experience in benefit-driven, attraction based marketing to integrate customer segmentation and detailed service offerings for Peak Health and Performance. Previous experience in the mind-body restorative health space allowed Vortex to create a captivating, informative, lead-generation website for Dr. Jones’ business.

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The challenge: Redesign the Bass Family Farms website to feature the litany of year-round activities suitable for the whole family, including an Easter Egg hunt, Fall Festival, Hot Air Balloon Festival, and agri-tours in addition to e-commerce functionality.

The process: Work with Chris and Brenna Bass to turn an outdated website into an engaging customer experience. Vortex worked closely with Chris and Brenna to create an engaging, informative website based on utilizing strong visuals to tell the story of the multifaceted, family-friendly activities.

The result: A modern, photo-centric website that successfully showcases Bass Family Farms’ story, events, and products for sale. The bright colors and gallery-style photo layout result in an online portal designed to bring families to their activities and directing them to the online store during a period of uncertainty when large gatherings are not suitable.

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The challenge: Highlight the organization’s function as a touchstone for the nursing community to share stories, learn, support each other, and exchange ideas. Organize and showcase the podcast, blog posts, and original content as a hub for nurses around the world.

The process: Create an engaging, easy-to-navigate multi-page design with highly visible contact information, subscription options, and blog feed for the three different authors. Reiterate the organization’s mantra of communication, support, and compassionate care across the nursing field.

The result: A responsive, intelligently-designed website that captures the organization’s goal of communication throughout the nursing continuum. Highlight key players and their regular blog posts – and episodes of their podcast – in a positive, easy to access format across a variety of streaming platforms.

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The challenge: Create an engaging, easy-to-update website for HawkFanatic, one of the only free-to-access hubs for the biggest University of Iowa sports, including football, basketball, and wrestling.

The process: Team Vortex worked with HawkFanatic’s writers to craft the perfect, Hawk-centric hub for the most up-to-date information on the players, coaches, and all things black and gold. Paired with the expertly-crafted articles is a real-time Twitter feed for breaking sports news and the latest scores, injuries, and upsets.

The result: Calling all die-hard Hawkeye fans! HawkFanatic’s newly-reimagined website segments different sports in their own tabs while also featuring a homepage that has the most up-to-date sports information. The website also features easy-to-access Twitter feeds and links to the most recent episodes of HawkFanatic’s podcast.

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The challenge: Create an up-to-date, visually-engaging hub for the latest in high school sports from Clear Creek Amana, City High, West High, Liberty, Regina, Solon, and West Branch. Segment YourPrepSports as one of the only comprehensive, free-to-access portals for local, high school sports.

The process: Team Vortex worked with Your Prep Sports on multi-page WordPress installation and a custom, responsive design that showcases the latest in high school sports while also allowing for up-to-date scores and in-depth profiles of players.

State-of-the-art advertising management allows sponsors to keep YourPrepSport’s content free, while providing real-time, Pay Per Click (PPC) analytics for every ad on every page.

The result: A beautiful, engaging website that takes viewers right to the latest sports information they care about the most. An easily-visible ‘donate’ button allows visitors to support the free, comprehensive content.

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The Challenge: Catch’em Critters needed a website that presented their services and humane treatment of animals to potential clients. Users needed to know what type of animals they handled and the areas they served immediately upon  visiting the website.

The Process: Vortex Digital worked with Catch’em Critters to create a portfolio of photos they had taken while on various jobs to showcase the animals they worked with. All of the copy for services needed to reflect their humane approach to animal relocation, and Vortex Digital helped write and tweak this.

The Result: The new Catch’em Critters website serves as an effective marketing funnel; accurately presenting all of their services, and a way to get in contact with staff for setting up a consultation or appointment.

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The Challenge: Halverson Photography needed a website that allowed parents to easily find the pictures they had taken of their children and purchase them online. The photos needed to be tied to each school district, season, and sport or activity to allow for easy searching. Once the parents found the school or activity they were looking for, they would be redirected to a website where they could purchase the images.

The Process: Vortex Digital worked with Halverson Photography to create a database of schools, sports, activities, and events that users could search through.

The Result: The new Halverson Photography website allows parents to easily find pictures of their children by filtering the database to find their school, season, or sport. Once they have found it, they are sent to an external site where they can then order the photos.

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The Challenge: Oxford Sale Barn required a website to list information about its upcoming cattle auctions, market reports, futures reports, and more.

The Process: Vortex Digital worked with Oxford Sale Barn to create videos and imagery for the new website, including drone footage of where the auctions took place. The market reports can easily be added to the website from the backend by staff, and users can find what month they are looking for. The futures report is embedded into the website, and automatically pulls new data.

The Result: Oxford Sales Barn presents all of its event and market information in a simple, easy to use design. The stunning video on the home page pulls people in, and encourages them to explore the site further.

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The Challenge: Acupuncture of Iowa needed an update website design and layout. The old website was dated, and editing content was not easy. Laura also desired a more robust blog platform for both her business and cooking blog.

The Process: Vortex Digital worked with Laura to narrow down the scope of her business into specific services for the website. Each service could then received its own page, with more information, treatment benefits, and more. A patient portal was also needed to manage appointments, and a third party platform was integrated with the website. Finally, a robust blog structure was developed, allowing Laura to manage both blogs easily from one backend.

The Result: The new Acupuncture of Iowa website presents all of its services in an ergonomic user experience. Potential patients can easily find the services offered, their benefits, and how to get in contact with staff. Current patients can also manage their prescriptions and upcoming appointments easily from the website. The blog is easily explorable through different categories and tags.

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Vortex worked with the co-owners Lanaya Ethington and Darrel Kirby to create an informative site that reflects the overall goal of healing through counseling and therapy. Jonathan added depth and personalization to the site by photographing Lanaya and Darrel in-situ.

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The Challenge: Elevate Aesthetics and Wellness needed an updated design and SEO strategy to attract more potential clients and easily inform them of their services.

The Process: Vortex Digital worked with Elevate to narrow down its more popular and important treatments, and create dedicated pages for each of them. A keyword pool was created, and the title and description tags were crafted to capture the most important keywords and phrases users would search for.

The Result: The new Elevate Aesthetics and Wellness website clearly presents all of its services, and contains researched onboard SEO to help attract more clients. Clear calls to action are on each page, directing users to the contact page, and ultimately to schedule an appointment.

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The Process: Kalos Financial required a front website that accurately presented all of its services offered, and also a backend that advisors could access through an account. The backend would contain useful articles, information, reports, and more that their advisors could access to help out their clients. Both sections of the website needed to be separated, and the advisor backend needed to be adequately protected.

The Process: Vortex Digital worked with Kalos Financial to design the front end in a way that adheres to all the legal needs when dealing with a fintech website. Each page has the appropriate disclaimers and policy notices, and can be easily navigated by users. The advisor portal would utilize WordPress’ multisite functionality, allowing the portal to have a different URL, but still be managed from the same backend. The portal also utilizes WordPress’ user roles and permissions to assign access to advisors, and control who can see this content.

The Result: The new Kalos Financial website presents all of its services in an ergonomic design that is easy to navigate. The extensive information is also presented in an easily read format on all devices. The advisor portal serves as a secure way for its staff to access its account-protected information.

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The Challenge: Veronica of Jacobsen Staging came to Vortex seeking to align the look of her website with that of her work; polished and minimalistic. When professionally staging homes, Veronica must pay attention to the smallest of details, and here at Vortex we work to give that same attention to website design and SEO practices. Working with clients like Veronica from Jacobsen Staging is always a joy, and we are thrilled to see her vision brought to life in the form of her new website.

The Process: At Vortex, we love to see our clients immersed in the work they are so passionate about. Veronica showcased her staging with a modern condo and Jonathan and his assistant took stunning interior design photos for her portfolio and new website. Check out the results of our collaboration here.

The Result: A beautiful, responsive, custom made website that aligns with Jacobsen Staging’s minimalistic-chic aesthetic. Working with business owners like Veronica is always so rewarding, because she came to us with a clear vision, and we were able to provide the resources to turn that vision into reality!

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The Challenge: Creating a website that demonstrates the technical experience and expertise of the client with an emphasis on visuals over text.

The Process:Utilizing eye-catching imagery, colors and overall design, robust portfolio search capabilities and testimonials.

The Result: A visually stunning website that uses original photography to instill authenticity, professionalism and expertise in the industrial engineering field.

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Extensive Product Database | Beautiful Custom Design

The Challenge: Integrating and differentiating between 8 divisions of agricultural, resale, and wholesale products while illustrating the multi-generational history and values of their business.

The Process: Compiling 8 micro-sites and combining a custom sales territory map with a product search option, team member integration, equipment inventory, and online contact & application forms.

The Result: A mobile compliant, streamlined hub of multidimensional information, highlighting the Fortune5000 company’s long family history and wide range of world-class services.

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Parallax Design | Product Catalog and Gallery

The Challenge: Creating a visually sound, informative multi-page site that caters to agricultural workers while inspiring visitors to go through Schumacher for their equipment needs.

The Process: Combining Multi-Page WordPress Installation with custom Javascript maps; parallax, responsive and mobile friendly design; and a product catalog featuring a customized image gallery.

The Result: A beautiful, clean site design that highlights Schumacher’s products, history, distributors, harvests and farm shows while giving visitors access to rental services.

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Provia Integration | Google Maps Integration

The Challenge: Creating an informative, streamlined space for visitors searching for residential remodeling to get inspired and request a quote.

The Process: Combining multi-page WordPress installation and custom PHP with Provia text and Google Maps integration, customized imagery and contact forms.

The Result: A beautiful, gallery-style landing page showcasing each type of service provided by The Window Barn, linking to detailed information regarding each service. A call to action encourages visitors to call for a free quote.

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Custom MP3 Song Playback | Google Calendar Integration

The Challenge: Creating a space that showcases Professor Benjamin’s musical background while educating visitors about his work and inspiring them to book lessons with him.

The Process: Combining multi-page WordPress installation and custom PHP with Google Calendar integration, a section for current students and their success stories, mp3 song playback, and contact forms.

The Result: An informative and inspiring landing page for visitors to learn more about Professor Coelho’s expertise, background, and class offerings.

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Shopify eCommerce Platform | Gorgeous Custom Photography

The Challenge: Creating a user-friendly E-commerce site that showcases client’s design work and allows users to purchase products directly from site.

The Process: Combining e-commerce features like a shopping cart, secure payment gateway and search feature, with a FAQ section, custom image sliders, contact form, and email list sign up.

The Result: A functional, easy-to-use, mobile-compliant e-commerce site that allows the client to update featured designs and inventory.

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501(c)(3) Website Donation Project | WordPress | Donation Portal

The Challenge: Educating users about what Healthcare Charities does and encouraging users to donate and help the cause.

The Process: Developing a strong, consistent brand identity through the website. Integrate a donation portal, as well as a list of supplies users can donate. Succinctly explain to users who Healthcare Charities is and what they do.

The Result: A responsive, easy to navigate website with the capability of accepting online donations and getting in contact about donating supplies. All the information is efficiently organized and presented. The main goal, letting users know where to go and what they can do to help, is achieved on the home page with two distinct links.3

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Stunning Custom Visual Design | Ergonomic UX

The Challenge: Creating an easy-to-use, visually appealing website that inspires visitors to contact our client for their motor servicing and repair needs.

The Process: Combining parallax, multi-page, and custom full-width design, with an interactive map and timeline, products page, and online application form.

The Result: Sister sites working together to give users a full list of products and services offered by Hupp Motors, as well as a history of the company. The sites are user friendly and completely editable by the Hupp Team.

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Beautiful Responsive Design | Strategically Planned Marketing Funnel

The Challenge: Inspiring homeowners to inquire Forever Green’s professional landscaping services, while promoting their garden center and maintenance services.

The Process: Combining responsive design and mobile compliancy with a custom image gallery, sales and events section, and quote request feature.

The Result: A cutting-edge, fully-customized and mobile-compliant website that brings awareness and intrigue to Forever Green’s world-class landscaping services and garden center.

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Seva Project Recipient | Beautiful Custom Design

The Challenge: Encouraging donations and providing resources to those in need, while educating the public of DVIP’s services.

The Process: Combining smooth navigation and custom image sliders with a donation feature, events page, blogspot, and call to action.

The Result: A state of the art, fee free website that streamlines interaction, provides visitors with resources, and encourages next steps.

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Customizable IDX Feed Integration | Ergonomic Custom Design

The Challenge: Showcasing client’s vertically integrated realty capabilities and variety of services while encouraging homeowners and renters to make contact.

The Process: Combining responsive and mobile-compliant design with multiple customized image sliders, search fields, and an interactive Google Maps feature.

The Result: A user-friendly, fully customizable and updateable site that allows potential buyers and renters to explore current listings and learn more.

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Seva Project Recipient | Custom Beautiful Design

The Challenge: Inspiring potential students while educating parents on The Academy’s history, programs and services.

The Process: Combining custom, mobile compliant web design with updated text and imagery; an interactive calendar and student application form; student, teacher, and parent testimonials and a timeline of The Academy’s historic events.

The Result: A fee free, fully responsive and mobile compliant website, for a deserving corridor nonprofit that communicates The Academy’s goals, services, and programs.

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Strategically Planned Marketing Funnel | Beautiful Custom Responsive Design

The Challenge: Highlighting client’s extensive programs and services, while encouraging involvement educating visitors on business leadership.

The Process: Combining responsive design and mobile compliancy with an updated contact form, a customized, responsive map feature, accordion-style menus, and custom imagery.

The Results: A visually stunning, fully-responsive website that informs users about programs and services while providing them with a direct call-to-action.

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Real Estate Search Features | Custom Listings

The Challenge: Showcasing a wide range of rental units in a clean, simple manner while inspiring visitors to favorite units and reach out for more information.

The Process: Combining advanced search fields for streamlined lookups with an image gallery and pricing info for each listing, a fully functional map that specifies the location of each property, a favoriting feature, tenant and leasing information, and answers to frequently asked questions.

The Results: A world class, mobile compliant realty website with a complete database of all units, including galleries and pricing. We highlight the company’s large selection of rental units while providing visitors with all necessary information to connect with J & J.

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WooCommerce Integration  | Professional Photography and Videography

The Challenge: Illustrating the clients talents and offerings as an artist in a visually stunning way that inspires visitors view, share, and purchase his artwork.

The Process: Combining world-class photography and videography with fully responsive design with an E-commerce page feature, a studio page showcasing process, contact forms, and a direct link to his Etsy shop.

The Results: A beautifully engaging E-commerce website that illustrates Krizan’s history, craft, and process in a way that encourages viewers to get in touch and purchase his work.

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Parallax design | Interactive map

The Challenge: Creating a world-class design that informs visitors of Bella Vita’s practitioners and services while inspiring them to make contact and/or book an appointment. The Process: Incorporating parallax design with a multi-page WordPress installation, interactive map, and accordion programming; including new patient forms, contact information, and individual sections for each kind of therapy. The Result: A visually stunning, informative wellness website where visitors are able to learn about Bella Vita’s services, practitioners, and mission while finding relative information for appointment scheduling.

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Parallax Design | Multi Page | Newsletter Integration

The Challenge: Showcasing the Theater’s upcoming productions in a visually appealing, streamlined manner while providing visitors with details on the theater itself, the audition process, and how to get involved.

The Process: Combining theme customization and custom php + Javascript with constant contact integration, multi-page wordpress installation, and optional newsletter subscription.

The Result: A beautifully artistic rendition of the theater’s offerings; its upcoming events, history, and any relative information that visitors are likely to search for, along with multiples ways to get in contact.

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Showroom Gallery | Custom Design | Multi Page

The Challenge: Creating a space that highlights the ResTech showroom while informing visitors about their home technology systems and inspiring them to make contact.

The Process: Combining multi-page WordPress installation and mobile compliancy with customized redesign and coding, a showroom gallery, and contact forms.

The Result: A highly categorized, mobile compliant website that highlights each service individually while informing visitors why ResTech is the best choice for their home technology systems.

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Multi-page custom design | WooCommerce Intergration

The Challenge: Creating a space where visitors can view and sign up for upcoming classes and events, while providing an area that showcases products and allows for purchases.

The Process: Combining multi-page WordPress installation with WooCommerce integration, custom posting capabilities, individual class sign up and contact forms.

The Result:  A beautiful, informative E-commerce site that allows visitors to purchase products, sign up for classes, view events, and contact Beadology.

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MailChimp Integration | Custom Design and Logo

The Challenge:  Creating a website that illustrates the variety of healing services offered while inspiring visitors to schedule an appointment, book retreats, or contact Quantum Healing to learn more.

The Process: Combining multi-page WordPress installation with customized logo design, MailChimp integration, and scheduling portal.

The Result: A visually appealing website where visitors can find information on a variety of healing services, schedule appointments, book retreats, and get further involved.

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Custom Design | eCommerce Store | Adwords Success Story

The Challenge: Creating a visually appealing and informative website that highlights Grime Buster’s work while inspiring visitors to schedule a power wash.

The Process: Combining a multipage WordPress site, with custom PHP and Javascript, theme customization, detailed service descriptors, call to actions, and streamlined navigation.

The Result:  A highly visual representation of the quality services Grime Busters provides, along with a strong call to action that encourages users to book their services or learn more.

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Parallax Design | Vortex Seva Project Recipient

The Challenge: Creating a space that showcases the work Table to Table does while inspiring visitors to donate and volunteer.

The Process: Combining single-page WordPress installation with an updateable news blog, custom parallax design, partner and testimonial sliders, and the option to donate now or volunteer.

The Result:  A place for visitors to learn about the nonprofit’s rich history and services while inspiring them to volunteer or donate.

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Custom Design | Client Success Stories

The Challenge: Illustrating the variety and quality of services offered while inspiring visitors to request a free quote.

The Process: Combining WordPress installation and theme customization with separate landing pages for tree and turf services, a page for client success stories, and contact now button.

The Result:  A visually stunning, informative website that illustrates a wide range of services while giving visitors a transparent look at the end result, inspiring them to call for a free quote.

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Custom Theme and Logo | Custom CSS Animations

The Challenge: Creating a space for visitors to learn about Lake’s musical background while inspiring them to book a guitar lesson with him.

The Process: Combining Multi-Page WordPress installation and custom design with logo creation, a customized theme and CSS Animation.

The Result: A space where those interested in learning guitar can find more information, book lessons with Lake, and read former student success stories in a visually appealing format.

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Custom Theme | Custom Programming

The Challenge: Showcasing all of Hupp’s products and services in an efficient manner while convincing visitors that renting equipment through Hupp Toyota is the best choice.

The Process: Combining custom PHP, Javascript, and post type integration along with WordPress installation and theme customization.

The Result: A streamlined hub for equipment rental highlighting a variety of models, parts and specials while giving visitors the opportunity to inquire more information.

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Custom Parallax Design | Google Tags Integration

The Challenge: Creating an informative, representative landing space for visitors searching the corridor for vein centers to learn about the quality and types of services offered by Corridor Vein.

The Process: Combining a single page WordPress installation with custom parallax design, Google tags integration, interactive Google maps, patient success stories and contact forms.

The Result: An informative, navigational medical website where visitors are encouraged to book a free consultation, learn about each type of service offered, read patient success stories and get in contact with Corridor Vein.

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Custom Parallax Design | Custom Post Type Intergration

The Challenge: Creating a multi-dimensional, easy-to-use website that showcases each of New Eagle Group’s financial management divisions in detail while inspiring visitors to call for more information.

The Process: Custom parallax design, JavaScript and PHP, custom post type integration.

The Result:  A streamlined financial hub separated by each of New Eagle Group’s divisions, giving visitors access to a wide range of details and contact information.

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Custom Design | Parallax Design

The Challenge: Creating a visually representative website that highlights Butler’s unique spray foam insulation while informing visitors of their world class family-run operation

The Process: Combining a Multipage WordPress site with customized design and in-house photography

The Result: A visually appealing, informative design that emphasizes our client’s unique selling points while providing calls to action and contact information for visitors to take advantage of.

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Custom Theme | WordPress Installation

The Challenge: Creating a space that educates visitors about Shakti Holistic Healing, their services, and instructors while encouraging them to call and schedule a session.

The Process: Combining Multi-Page WordPress Installation with a customized theme, imagery, text and calls to action.

The Result: A stylized landing page for those looking for healing services to learn more about what Shakti has to offer.

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Custom Parallax Design | Real Estate Database

The Challenge: Displaying ERP’s available rental homes in a clean, organized fashion, allowing for easy navigation so visitors can find a home that meets their rental needs.

The Process: Combining Multi-Page WordPress Installation with Custom Parallax Design, Real Estate Database Integration, Google Map Integration and Renovation Lightbox Galleries.

The Result: World-class web design giving visitors access to advanced filter options for customized searches, custom image galleries for each unit, tenant applications, and ERP’s contact information.

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Adobe Business Catalyst | Membership Subscription

The Challenge: Creating a Business-to-Business website that integrates subscription services while educating visitors about how customized research via Superconductor’s newsletter can improve business operations.

The Process:  Combining Adobe Business Catalyst with Membership Subscription and API via jQuery

The Result: Streamlined access to Superconductor’s subscription services and information surrounding newsletters, free content and all things Superconductor.

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Parallax Design | Custom Logo | Blog Set-up

The Challenge: Informing visitors about Simple Medicine and its relation to functional medicine and healing the body, along with inspiring users to schedule an appointment with Paula.

The Process:  Combining Multi-Page WordPress Installation with Custom Parallax Design, Logo Creation and Blog Set-Up.

The Result: An informative functional medicine space giving patients and potential patients the convenience of scheduling visits online and access to related info quickly and easily.

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Custom Photography | Custom Slideshow

The Challenge:  Creating a landing page that attracts new clients seeking specialized psychiatric care, while informing visitors of the services available and how to make an appointment with Dr. Wesner.

The Process: Combining Multi-Page WordPress Installation with a jQuery Slideshow and customized photography and design.

The Result: A clinical marketing tool that provides visitors with all relevant information surrounding Dr. Wesner’s services, his background and how to get in contact with his office.

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44 High Circle Drive NE
Iowa City, IA USA

1120 Depot Ln, Ste 100
Cedar Rapids, IA USA

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Vortex Digital Business Solutions Iowa City Cedar Rapids Web Design Development Locations

Reputation Management

Introduce your business in a professional manner on the digital marketplace, managing online reviews, and placing relevant information on aggregators.

Social Media

Vortex does all the admin work for you by creating email marketing accounts and automating your organic social media posts. These tools allow Vortex to implement long term marketing strategies with reduced project management costs and increased ROI w/o overpaying for digital marketing!

Email Marketing

Vortex creates email templates and devises the most effective methodology to deliver email marketing to your audience. We use best practice techniques to help retain your readers long term.

On-Board SEO

SEO is the process of increasing a site’s visibility and ranking in organic search results. Websites that have well-developed SEO easily convey what they’re all about to Google, resulting in higher rankings in search results.

Pay Per Click Advertising

In-depth market research to develop keyword lists and write unique copy that helps your business get ROI on search engine advertising.

Analytics Analysis

An in-depth report with statistics outlining weekly results of advertising, website traffic, bounce rates, and more! Vortex also prepares a unique executive report summarizing your results.

Bronze Package

$297 Per Month*

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*Note: Three Month Up-Front Payment Required
Prices do not include the costs of subscriptions or ad budgets

Diamond Package

$1497 Per Month*

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*Note: Three Month Up-Front Payment Required
Prices do not include the costs of subscriptions or ad budgets

Gold Package

$1097 Per Month*

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*Note: Three Month Up-Front Payment Required
Prices do not include the costs of subscriptions or ad budgets

Silver Package

$797 Per Month*

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*Note: Three Month Up-Front Payment Required
Prices do not include the costs of subscriptions or ad budgets